D.S. Elliot & Associates; Toronto, Ontario
Research and Develop Self-Help Kits for Boards of Directors of Non-Profit Organizations.
D.S. Elliot & Associates for Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange; Toronto, Ontario
Review and analyze existing literature on Assets-Based Community Development models with a view toward developing a model for enhancing and measuring Care Providers’ and
Service Organizations’ capacity to distribute HIV/AIDS treatment information to patients and care givers.
D.S. Elliot & Associates for Environmental Health Clinic; Toronto, Ontario
Research and analyze existing business and treatment models for non-profit clinics treating Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Recommend avenues for mitigating legal
You*nique, division of Henley Communications; Lindsay, Ontario
Based on Manager and Subject Matter Expert interviews, develop, document and automate business and manufacturing processes for the production of customized audiotapes. Establish
all necessary vendor relationships and build production environment.
Conifer Auto-Body; Conifer, Colorado
Document current computer systems and map all data flows. Research and analyze available options and recommend hardware, software, and Wide Area Network upgrades to support
future business growth at anticipated multiple locations. Provide a detailed time-lined project flow.
ACD Software; San Jose California
Research and develop a self-paced tutorial and resource library for intermediate users needing to protect their desktop computers from spyware and adware.
You*nique; Lindsay, Ontario and ACD Software; San Jose, California
Research and recommend hardware and software solutions for desktops, laptops and equipment needed for peer-to-peer and client–server Ethernet networks.
D.S. Elliot & Associates for Environmental Health Clinic; Toronto, Ontario
Provide an overview and analysis of successfully implemented Conflict Resolution models for large medical institutions.
Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church; San Jose, California
Design a networked, internet-enabled after-school computer center for latch-key youth. The center must additionally provide services to surrounding community, with special focus
on assistance and resources for mothers who are trying to join the workforce.